Thursday, November 20, 2008

Roth Idea

For those of you who are married, actively participating in a company sponsored retirement plan and making over $169,000 in adjusted gross income in 2008 ( $116,000 if you are a single filer), consider making non-deductible IRA contributions in 2008 and 2009. The goal would be to convert the balance to a Roth IRA in 2010. In 2010, the income limit for Roth conversions (currently $100,000 in adjusted gross income) goes away and you can pay the tax due on the conversion over two years. Given the expectation that marginal tax rates will be going up, it may be a way to give higher earners an opportunity to get some money into Roth accounts.

There are several other aspects to consider such as will the income limit really go away in 2010, how much you can set aside and where the dollars will come from to pay the tax due. So send us an email at for more information and to discuss your specific situation.

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